Playing creates an environment that encourages learning by providing outdoor curriculum to enhance classroom learning. Without access to play facilities, children are unable to develop fully, thus play is vital in developing a child's fine motor, social, problem solving and a range of other skills. It has been proven that play eliminates stress, improves concentration and helps children confront difficulties.
"HIS" has a large playground with number of game's courts. Every student is encouraged to participate in the game of his/her choice. Inter-houses games are organized as per the games calender.
There is a game's period for every class every day. The School has an award winning team of well experienced and well qualified games instructor, who encourages the students to make the games as an integral part of their education as well as cocurriculumactivities. Since our establishment we have developed a number of item of playground equipments to suit the diverse nature of play. During the game play, if any player gets injured, "HIS" provides first aid immediately.